
Contact Center Technology Essentials

July 17, 2018

When you combine the convenience of modern-day telephony with the power of data – that is, computers, the internet, and all the information you can from it – you get the power tool that every...

Why do you need Enterprise Incubation?

April 13, 2018

In a digital era, CX is centric on buying influence; the experience that the customer expects is some magic to happen. By definition, there is a novelty in a startup product or service. For example,...

How can you leverage your email marketing capabilities with AI?

March 28, 2018

As a modern marketer, you’ve probably spent ample time and effort in determining the right content and promotions to offer in multi-channel campaigns, along with the right times and cadence. With all the channels available...

3 key takeaways from Salesforce World Tour Sydney

March 15, 2018

Salesforce World Tour 2018 took Sydney by storm on March 6 at the International Convention Centre. The event was jam-packed with learnings, insights, and product demos. This event attracted more than 11,000 attendees keen to...

Why you should visit the Salesforce World Tour Sydney

February 19, 2018

In a few weeks, the International Convention Center in Sydney will be home to the Salesforce World Tour. If you’re a customer of Salesforce, or just interested in the latest trends and technologies, the World...

Legacy Vs Modern Service Desks

September 15, 2017

Customers have changed, products have changed, the way they interact with the products have changed, then why should the service desk be the same? It is time Legacy service desks move and give way to...

Convert Data Into Insight -Oracle BI Cloud Services

October 30, 2015

Oracle Business Intelligence Cloud Service gives an easy, affordable analytics in the cloud—so you can convert data into insight as fast as you can click. Start Instantly—Start your analysis instantly—upload your own files, drag and drop...

Customer Service using Customer Journey Mapping

October 29, 2015

Customer Service and Beyond Customer Service goes well beyond just after sales.  It's about directly, as well as indirectly, servicing the customer as they progress through the various stages. One of the frameworks available for us...