
Customer Service using Customer Journey Mapping

October 29, 2015

Customer Service and Beyond

Customer Service goes well beyond just after sales.  It’s about directly, as well as indirectly, servicing the customer as they progress through the various stages.

One of the frameworks available for us to map these various direct and indirect touch points and then plan for delivering effective Customer Service is Customer Journey Maps. A Customer Journey Map (CJM) looks at mapping out the total customer experience across all touchpoints between the customer and your organization, right from initial contact through purchasing, after-sales support, and hopefully onto renewal/repurchase.

Unlike traditional marketing funnels, which are linear in nature, CJMs are not. A customer can jump from one phase to another based on a number of factors. They will interact with some touchpoints and miss others entirely.  It is important to understand the different moments of impact a customer could have when engaging with your brand and products and then set those customers up to succeed through education, communication, and discovery.

Benefits of using Customer Journey Map 

Steer your product roadmaps through the insights you receive when you understand how your customers explore your products and where they get hung up

Prioritize your business goals to align with where your Customers are facing maximum friction. Decide whether it’s Marketing or Customer Service you need to focus on.

Once you know the main points of Customer friction and have prioritized the projects that will have the greatest impact, you can hire and expand teams accordingly.

Help bring different teams together for a common goal: the customer experience. Everyone’s team should be well-versed on what your customer is asking, what they need, and how they feel at different points of the journey.

Step-by-Step Approach: Customer Journey Mapping


For further details on Customer Journey Mapping, feel free to reach out to us at

Tags: Customer Journey Mapping, Customer Service

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